Enabling a beverage MNC access green field markets by equipping retailers with energy saving, low cost refrigerating equipment
Problem: The client's ambitions of reaching rural markets were severely hampered by the high energy and capital costs the retailers had to incur in stocking the beverage. A comprehensive and scalable solution was needed that could overcome the two primary issues.
Solution: Cleantech Consultants studied the issue in totality – the storage and consumption patterns, the local environment and power situation. Post the study, Cleantech fundamentally reworked on the problem and designed a solution that was tailored to meet the exact requirement of the client. The result was that the client had a product in hand that consumed 30% less power and had low capital costs, unlike any of their previous experiences. Cleantech's signature features included high energy efficiency and low carbon impact.
Importantly, the product had the potential to be deployed at millions of their beverage kiosks across the world.