Cleantech Consultants is a Strategic and a Sustainable business solutions consulting firm. We work with companies to develop innovative new products for high growth markets like Consumer durables, Foods & Beverages and others.
We have developed products using innovative paten ted (or patent pending*) and low-carbon technologies. We offer solutions that extract high energy efficiencies and ultimately, deliver greater competitive adantage to customers in B2B and B2C markets. Click here for Case Studies
The founder of Cleantech Consultants, Mr. A Vaidyanathan, is an acknowledged pioneer in the industry with over two decades of deep insights, inventive expertise and proven achievements to his credit. Know more.
Our corporate philosophy is built around the ancient Indian vedic concept of Panchabhoota. The five differently colored dots in our logo signify the natural elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space and how they need to be harmoniously balanced for a congenial living and working environment. This is the level of alignment with nature that we strive for in our products and solutions.